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Thank you for your interest in contributing to Our World in Data!

Since collecting and republishing data is part of an editorial process for us, we do not accept contributions of new datasets from the public. However, there are still other ways you can contribute.

Build our datasets

All our data work is public and open-source. Our ETL work is available on GitHub.

To build any of our datasets, you first need to install the ETL and then execute any step you want to build:

poetry run etl run <step>

Report issues

If you find any issues with our datasets or our code, please report them on GitHub.

Try our API

You can try using our API to access our data and give us feedback on it.

Suggest new datasets

  • You can try to build our datasets yourself and verify that they build cleanly.
  • You can report issues you encounter, either with our code or with our datasets.
  • You can make suggestions for important data sets that you think would add a lot of value to our work.